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How to Live Your "Best Life" in 2019 and Still Not Shave Your Legs

Photo evidence of my "Best Life" Ahhhhh yes. It's 11 days into the new year, and I can still smell the scent of unabashed hope. Ambition. Promise! It lingers. I'm still pretending that despite not actually setting any goals or intentions for the year ahead, I will most likely wake up tomorrow and have suddenly become the healthy, productive, fearless human I've always wanted, nay,  known  I could be! Even the Ikea email I got this morning told me I could start living my best life in 2019, and if anyone knows anything about quality, it's Ikea. So how does one live their "best life" this year? According to Oprah, Forbes, NYT and every headline I've ever scrolled past on Medium without actually reading the article, the most important component to succeeding in all aspects of life, the one thing all highly successful people have in common, is the existence of a morning routine. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I feel I have mine down...

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